Natalka and son Rostislav before her trip to China in 2019
Natalka is originally from Toretsk, a city in the Donbas region in Ukraine. Eight years ago, she decided to leave this area because of the initial invasion by the Russian Federation in the eastern part of Ukraine. She settled in Dnipro, the fourth largest city in Ukraine, a place adorned with many old-fashion buildings and beautiful parks and gardens all around the city. Dnipro lies on the banks of the river that shares the same name. This place became the new home for Natalka and her family since they moved from the eastern region of Ukraine.



Since 2018, Natalka has been working as a kindergarten teacher in Eco-City, a cute, peaceful eco-friendly district located in the Tianjin Economic and Developmental Area (TEDA) in Tianjin. Natalka’s life in China has been very positive as she has enjoyed the safe and secure life she experiences there. She has met and made many friends who have become her family during her years in China, however the thought of the tumultuous life her loved ones have been enduring back home since the start of the war is a concern that has been in the back of her mind. This lead Natalka to decide to return home and reunite with her family in Ukraine in order to face the challenges together. Leaving behind a life of comfort, friends, safety and job security did not interfere with Natalka s decision to move back home. “I haven’t seen my family for more than two years, so the decision to come home came without hesitation. I know it will be a tough time for me to change my life completely. I don’t know what to expect there, I have no job, no home, but I have my family and a strong wish to help my country win” Natalka says.
Losing relatives to the war

Lepky Olexandr
The impact of losing loved ones to the war has already affected Natalka’s family. Her younger sister, Lepska Olena, became a widow at only 28 years of age. Her husband, a war hero, died at the front line defending Ukraine. Lepky Olexandr, who before enlisting in the army worked as a coal miner, became a professional soldier in 2019. Like many Ukrainian men, Lepky’s desire to defend and fight for his country was unquestionable. He was part of the Holodniy Yar brigade and on the fated date of February 24th, 2022, Lepky and his brigade fought the invaders in the small town of Akhtyrka and won this battle. It was only the beginning of many battles to come. After two months the Holidniy Yar brigade was moved to the East part of the country near the city of Izium.
The families of soldiers maintain daily communication and have a general idea of the daily life of their loved ones at war. Lepky communicated every day with his wife until one day, for the very first time, Lepska didn’t hear from him. The last time she heard from him was on April 19. Natalka’s sister feared the worst.
Lepky and Lepska's children
Finding Lepky Olexandr
Lepska Olena began to look for her husband. She inquired with the officers at her husband’s military unit. They didn’t know of his whereabouts at that moment so he was considered “missing in action”. Back in China, Natalka began to help her sister locate her husband. She started to inquire among the many social groups she is part of, including WeChat groups, hoping to get any news of Lepky’s whereabouts. To Natalka’s amazement, she run across someone from Ukraine living in China whose brother fought shoulder to shoulder with Lepky. Natalka learned from this person that Lepky and her brother were under heavy attacked and many soldiers got injured, including them, and they were taken to the hospital. Lepky, however, did not make it and passed away. A few days later, Lepska Olena found out about her husband’s passing through a Russian messenger group where she saw a photo of her dead husband along with his documents. On June 9th, the family was able to give him a proper burial. Lepky alongside other young soldiers who perished in several different battles were given the title of heroes after fighting for their country’s freedom.
Rostislav has a major in Avionic Mechanic and a military career. He is Natalka’s 25-year-old son who is serving right now as a platoon commander. Rostislav heard the call to serve in the army ever since Ukraine got invaded by the Russian Federation in 2014. He felt it was his duty to defend the eastern part of his country because he was born there and has friends and relatives living in that region.
Before joining the military, Rostislav had a busy life working for a national air company as an airplane mechanic. Rostislav also has an artistic side, he is very skilled at playing the guitar and enjoys writing songs. He has participated in many song festivals and competitions. He also enjoys photography. Rostislav had envisioned a different future. In November of 2021, he married his fiancée whom he met in 2018, but duty called, and he is now devoting his life to serving and winning this war.

Rostislav and his new wife on his wedding day
Life at the front line is always busy. The soldiers are focused on their main objective 100 percent of the time. They train, they plan, they study various strategies of how to lead the fight, overall; it is a whole integrated task. They get their rest, they get fed but they don’t bring their guard down. Rostislav and his unit, in the same way as many other soldiers in Ukraine, are having to learn a new way of living, getting used to a new “routine” as he calls it. “I know we will win for sure but we still need to work on it”
And this is the goal in mind for all of Natalka’s family and every Ukrainian. They are maintaining their spirits up to see their country free and enjoy those days of peace and prosperity before February 2022. For them, the main thought is “We Will Win”.

Natalka and son Rostislav